Give us your feedback.... please!

This website has been set up to give Brittas Community members a central on-line location where we can all share information about our community.


We want this website to be as good as it can possibly be, so we need you to tell us where it can be improved. Have you spotted any spelling mistakes, typos, experienced any errors, etc... Also, have you viewed the website on a desktop screen, a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone - has everything appeared as you'd expect, or has anything been cropped, or maybe not visiable at all?


This is the kind of constructive feedback that would be helpful.


Then there's the overall website experience. Do you like the way the pages are ordered, the layout of the pages, how to view photos, etc? Was there information you were hoping to see but you cannot find it? If you think there is information we need to add to the site, then let us know what it is and we can look into it.


Finally, you could suggest new features or functionality that could be added to the site to improve it.


Any feedback at all that you think would be helpful, please email:




Welcome to our Brittas Community Association website which was launched in February 2018. We want to use this on-line location as a central place to share all the community news and inform you of any news, announcements or upcoming events.


We hope you like it and please feel free to give us any feedback or suggestions on ways to improve the site. We hope you drop by here often!


~ Feb 2018 ~

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