Brittas Committee

Our Brittas Community Association Committee is currently made up of 8 members, including the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Committee meetings are held every month, or every second month, in the community centre to discuss all manner of issues, from organising of events, fundraising, grant applications, community security, running of the centre to name but a few.


The committee members are all volunteers and generously give up their own time and energy for the the benefit of the community. A new committee is elected from scratch every second year at the AGM (annual general meeting). Members can be re-elected, or new members put forward, so if you are interested in becoming a committee member, please be sure to attend the AGM which is held usually in the month of April (text messages and emails are sent out to community members in advance to inform of AGM).  If your name is put forward and 'seconded', you can then become a committee member. It would be a good idea to discuss with a current committee member first to express your interest and get an understanding of what is involved. You can also help out without being on the committee - just let us know you're available as we're always looking for extra hands!


One of the ongoing major functions of the committee is fundraising. It is a vital requirement to raise funds in order to cover the running costs of our community centre. The major annual costs are:


  • insurance (building, and public liability)
  • electricity & heating
  • water rates
  • maintenance & repair
  • accountancy fees
  • text-alert system
  • lots of other...



Without the very generous donations made by you, our Brittas Community members (and others), our community centre would not be able to function. So a big thank you again to one and all who have made any donations, or offered their help over the years.




Current Committee Members 2017 to 2019 (elected and formed in April 2017)


David Cleary (Vice Chair)

Tommy Doyle

John Foster

Rita Keogh
David Lehane (Chair)

John Moriarty

Tara Quinn

Mary Weakliam (Treasurer)



If you need to get in touch with the committee, please email:




Welcome to our Brittas Community Association website which was launched in February 2018. We want to use this on-line location as a central place to share all the community news and inform you of any news, announcements or upcoming events.


We hope you like it and please feel free to give us any feedback or suggestions on ways to improve the site. We hope you drop by here often!


~ Feb 2018 ~

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