Out Now! | Mar 2018

We have realeased a Brittas newsletter to the community this week (last week of March 2018), so many of you will have received it, delivered in your letterbox. The newletter is to update everyone with the Committee's ongoing work. It only details some of the more important items that the committee has been undertaking, as there are lots of other important tasks that are less interesting yet still need to be done nonetheless.
One thing to highlight is that there is a Brittas public meeting in the Community Centre at 11.15am, after mass, on Sunday 8th April 2018. We hope you can attend.
Hopefully you find some interesting reading in the newsletter and if you haven't received it through your letterbox, then you can open / download / print it by clicking the PDF icon:
At Community Centre | Dec 2017

We had a charity collection for the homeless during December - much needed at a time when people are at their most vulnerable. Organised by the committee (mainly thanks to Stephanie Broe), it was a very successful collection with so many of you dropping off bags of clothes, food and other donations.
The Community Centre was the collection point and was open on both Friday 8th Dec from 9am to 11am and on the Saturday from 10am to 2pm. When the collection time was over, it was time to bring everything to the charity centre in Tallaght. There were enough donations to fill two vans, so overall the collection was a huge success.
A very big thank you to everyone who generously gave any donations and to all that helped in any way with this charity collection.