Brittas News Blog
At Community Centre | Jun 2018

It's that time of year again!!!!!
Yes it's time for our annual Brittas Midsummer BBQ event which will take place on 15th June 2018 starting from 8pm in the Community Centre. This event is always a really enjoyable social night and one everyone who's been to it before, really looks forward to. There'll be BBQ food, drinks bar, raffles, music on the night by 'Catalpa' (brilliantand always loads of chat and laughter. The community centre marquee will be up as usual and BBQ cooking stations on the go. We'll have the tables and chairs out as well to allow people sit out, relax and chat to friends and neighbours.
Please come along and support your community on the night. It is a fund-raising night so we need your help to make it another success. Tickets are € 10 each and are available from committee members, or you can pay at the door on the night. Ticket includes: admission, BBQ food, music and lots of enjoyment.
We ...
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At Community Centre | May 2018 |
We held our second Basic First Aid and Defibrillator Training course on 24th May 2018 in the community centre. 15 more recruits to the cause!! It was another very successful course with great praise from everyone who attended.
A huge thanks to Simon and John from the Blessington Community First Responder Unit. Without them we would not be able to hold these classes.
At Community Centre | May 2018

Instead of the normal Mobile Library visit every second week, this week on Thursday (17th May 2018) a librarian from SDCC Libraries visited the Community Centre and held a 'story time' session for the children. The stories were read out in the centre gardens and there was also Lego for the older kids to play with. Thanks goes to SDDC Libraries for holding this event, plus to Mary who gave up her time to facilitate this. The kids all really enjoyed it.
This is something both the committee and South Dublin Libraries want to happen more often, so we need the local support to hold these events, which are for everyone, both young and old.
We will post more information about similar upcoming events on this website, on our Facebook page and we will send out community texts.
At Community Centre | May 2018

As part of the national Bealtaine Festival celebrating older people, Brittas will be hosting a community coffee morning on Wednesday 9th May 2018 in the Community Centre. It starts at 11.45am and there will be coffee, tea, treats and lots of chat for anyone who is able to attend. If you require a lift to the Community Centre on the morning, please contact Joe on 0877866451
Please let anyone in the community know about this event if you think they might be interested in attending.
We hope to see you there for what is sure to be a very enjoyable event.
Here is lik to Bealtaine Festival website if you would like to find out more:
Out Now! | Mar 2018

We have realeased a Brittas newsletter to the community this week (last week of March 2018), so many of you will have received it, delivered in your letterbox. The newletter is to update everyone with the Committee's ongoing work. It only details some of the more important items that the committee has been undertaking, as there are lots of other important tasks that are less interesting yet still need to be done nonetheless.
One thing to highlight is that there is a Brittas public meeting in the Community Centre at 11.15am, after mass, on Sunday 8th April 2018. We hope you can attend.
Hopefully you find some interesting reading in the newsletter and if you haven't received it through your letterbox, then you can open / download / print it by clicking the PDF icon:
At Community Centre | Mar 2018

Kids Easter Event
We are holding an Easter Event for all the kids in Brittas. Should be great fun, just as their Easter holidays are starting - cratfs, music, egg hunt and lots of fun on offer! Also we have a raffle talking place for a prize the kids will be drooling over!!! € 2 per ticket - all money raised is to cover the few small expnses and remainder is fundraising for the community centre.
It's on Monday 26th March 2018 in the Community Centre starting at 10am until about 12 noon. It's a free event so come along and have some Monday morning fun. We hope to see you there.
Photos to follow:
In Lisheen Springs Golf Club | Dec 2017 |

Santa arrived in style to Brittas on 17th December!
Wow. What an event!!!! There was a huge turnout for this one. Santa arrived around 5pm, in his illuminated sleigh and ringing his bell, to the cheer of all the children present. It was a magical moment and the start of a very enjoyable evening. It all took place in the wonderful Lisheen Springs Golf Club which was wonderfully decorated with a Christmas theme. This was a free community event and there were plenty of treats and refreshments for all to enjoy.
We had over 160 children receive presents from Santa in his purpose built grotto. With so many children waiting to visit Santa, it took a while for everyone to see him, but we hope it was worth the wait for those towards the end of the queue. Santa was brilliant to the end and the whole evening was so enjoyable.
Thanks to all who helped make this event happen. It was organised by the committee and the preparations started weeks ...
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At Community Centre | Dec 2017

We had a charity collection for the homeless during December - much needed at a time when people are at their most vulnerable. Organised by the committee (mainly thanks to Stephanie Broe), it was a very successful collection with so many of you dropping off bags of clothes, food and other donations.
The Community Centre was the collection point and was open on both Friday 8th Dec from 9am to 11am and on the Saturday from 10am to 2pm. When the collection time was over, it was time to bring everything to the charity centre in Tallaght. There were enough donations to fill two vans, so overall the collection was a huge success.
A very big thank you to everyone who generously gave any donations and to all that helped in any way with this charity collection.
Brittas Village | Dec 2017

We had our annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree in Brittas Village on Sunday 3rd December 2017. It started at 5pm in the school yard of St Martin's National School. All the kids were given LED lanterns and then everybody walked from the school to the tree in Brittas Village, singing Christmas carols all the way. Both sides of the route were lined with candle lit lanterns which looked amazing in the dark.
Then we did the 10 second countdown, the big switch was flipped (by Betty Keogh) and everybody cheered. After a few more songs, it was then into the Community Centre for hot chocolate, treats and refreshments. The hall was absolutely packed, so much so that half the kids went outside and played in the community centre gardens. It really felt like the start of the Christmas celebrations and the countdown to Christmas Day had begun,
Thanks to everyone who attended and made it a very special occasion. Also big thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. ...
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In Community Centre | Dec 2017

Planning for a 400 bed Public Nursing Home at St. Brigid's, Crooksling!
There was a public meeting held in the Community Centre at 3pm on Saturday 2nd December 2017. It was organised by the Save Crooksling Action Group and there was a presentation made by COHABIT Design Cooperative detailing their 'Draft Scoping Report' and their vision and plans of what St. Brigid's could be in the future.
It was a very impressive presentation and the quality, detailed work that went into creating the report was obvious. The site at St. Brigid's is an amazing facility and a real asset to Brittas. The vision of what it could become if the right decisions are made by forward thinking people is very exciting. Let's hope the ongoing hard work by the Save Crooksling Action Group gets some returns in the future. We all need to support the cause in any way we can.
There was a great turnout from our ...
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